For my first new post on inthekitchenwithapril.com, I really wanted the dish to be amazing and I must say the dish I made tonight goes above and beyond. It was so good, in fact, that there was none left. That is right NONE. We were scraping the bottom of the pans to get all the yummy, creamy potatoes and all the flavorful gravy because we didn’t want to leave any behind. I don’t want to admit it, but I made creamy mashed potatoes AND rice. I had asked my daughter which one she wanted and she jokingly said “both”. Since we only had about 5 potatoes at home, I was afraid it would not be enough, so I also made a small amount of rice thinking whatever was left of the rice, could be used to make “sugared” rice. This was something my mother would make for us after we ate dinner if there was leftover rice, she would sprinkle it with sugar and butter and it was so delicious. Alas, we didn’t have “sugared” rice today, but after that delicious meal, I don’t think anyone cared! I hope you will try this recipe, it is super easy either way but you can fuhgedaboutit if you put it in the slow cooker. Afiyet olsun!
- 1½ Pounds Boneless Beef Roast, cubed
- 1½ Onions, chopped (reserve the half chopped for later in the recipe
- 4 Tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1 Tablespoon All Purpose Flour
- ½ Cup Water
- 1 Cup Sweet Peppers (multi-colored), chopped
- 1 Cup Mushrooms, sliced
- 2 Teaspoons Salt
- Saute one chopped onion in 2 Tablespoons olive oil.
- Add in the cubed beef and cook until brown.
- Sprinkle with the flour and 1 Teaspoon salt and stir well.
- Add the water and cook 2-3 minutes.
- Lower the heat to low and cook for 1½ hours or until tender.
- Alternatively, you could transfer to a slow cooker or crock pot instead and cook on low for 3-4 hours or until tender.
- About 20 minutes before you are ready to serve, saute the half onion, sweet peppers and mushrooms in 2 Tablespoons olive oil.
- Add 1 Teaspoon salt and stir well.
- Add this to the beef mixture and continue cooking about 10 minutes.
- Serve with mashed potatoes or rice. Afiyet olsun!