Buy 1 Rump Roast Cook 3 Yummy Meals
Buy 1 Rump Roast Cook 3 Yummy Meals! Doesn’t that sound great? Well, let me tell you it is so much easier than you think. I bought my rump roast, which was about 2.28 of pound, on sale for $2.99 a pound and got 3 meals out of the deal. From this one hunk of meat, I made Sirloin Stew, Fajita Sliders, and Cast Iron Seared Sirloins! Tomorrow, I will be posting the Sirloin Stew recipe. Stop back in the day after tomorrow for the Fajita Sliders recipe and the next day for the Cast Iron Seared Sirloins recipe. The Fajita Sliders will be perfect for your football party or tailgating weekend.
So, to get started, break out your knives and cut this ⇓

Into this ⇓!