Thanksgiving 2015. . . Better late than never!
I have a confession to make. I have not published anything for Thanksgiving because every single photo I took of our beautiful dinner with my new camera was blurry (operator error). My sister said it was because we were in such a hurry to eat. I think she is on to something. Anyway, as we were talking about the subject she asked “Well, didn’t Stella (my daughter) post pictures on Facebook?” Duh! I get the dummy of the year award. I have saved her photos (with her permission of course) and would like to share them with you all. Even though my daughter is a great photographer, these photos don’t do the food justice. Everything was so delicious! We had a wonderful afternoon, as we always do when we have a family gathering. My sister and I split the cooking so it made things so much easier. I think we counted about 25 of us that either came for dinner or we took the ones unable to come a plate. We enjoyed seeing everyone who came but we missed the ones who could not be with us. My sister always hosts Thanksgiving at her house and everything always looks so beautiful. I know how hard this Thanksgiving was for her this year because she recently lost her fur baby, my “little nephew” Chi-chi. He has been part of our family for such a long time and we all missed him. I think that is one of the things I love about holidays, especially Thanksgiving, is that it forces us to reflect on life. When we gather around a table with our family, it lets us see that even though we have loss, heartbreak, pain (physical and/or mental) and other problems we have people around us who love us and are there for us. I really missed my niece Misty and her family, my sister/cousin Donna, my chosen sister Ange, and my chosen brother, George not being with us this year. Hopefully we will see them all this Christmas. I hope you all were as lucky as I am and that you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving and that you were able to share it with the ones you love!