Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I have added a Yum button to my site. Yummly is a recipe sharing site that is a great place to keep all your favorite recipes in an easy to access location. I enjoy using it to organize my recipes and I am sure you will too. It is a great place to get inspiration on what to cook for dinner or that special occasion. Check them out and if you have a recipe of mine that you like please hit the Yum button. This picture above is a screenshot of my profile which you can access by clicking here. Well, I have to go for now, it is Christmas Eve and there is much to be done around here. My sister and I have decided that we are not going to do all the traditional dishes that we usually cook for Christmas. We are having Filet Mignon, Fondant Potatoes, a yummy salad and Pecan Pie Cannoli. Recipes will be posted in the coming days. Wishing you all have a very Merry Christmas!